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Short and simple

  • December 21, 2023

It’s almost the end of 2023, and a busy time for many of us. Wrapping up what we hoped to accomplish this year, managing year-end giving campaigns, and carving out more time to connect with family and friends.

As we look ahead to the new year there are another set of goals to meet, campaigns to run, improvements to make… the list goes on.

What are you going to simplify next year?

  • That automated process that saves someone five minutes a week, but a couple times a year takes a few hours to fix?
  • Ad hoc communication segments that take more time to compile for each mailing than you think, and aren't based on a solid strategy?
  • The annual event that keeps going out of momentum but isn't really in line with your mission?
  • That ambitious technology project to fix problems that just might be more about people and process than the tool you use?

Today’s the shortest day of the year. For most folks reading this our work isn’t constrained by daylight hours, but it’s a good chance to pause and think about what we want to fill our lengthening days with.

Simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy, but more doesn’t necessarily mean better.

Happy winter solstice.

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